Cydalima perspectalis SEXUAL PHEROMONE


Cydalima perspectalis SEXUAL PHEROMONE

In the area of origin (Asia) natural regulation occurs, as witnessed by the non-destructive behavior of C. perspectalis. In the area of Europe where the moth has been introduced, the damage is very serious because natural regulation does not occur at a significant level. However, in European areas where the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) is present prior to the introduction of C. perspectalis, some degree of predation by the wasp is observed. This is namely in the south-west of France, the first place where V. velutina was introduced to Europe in 2004 (C. perspectalis invaded this area in 2012). V. velutina is able to capture small larvae, and larvae preparing for the nymphosis in their cocoon. Where V. velutina has been introduced this causes other problems as preys on honey bees and European honey bees are more vulnerable than their Asian counterparts.
Ref : wikipedia

8/30/2016 10:05:15 AM
